Muğla'da toplu taşımaya yüzde 51 zam
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48 Haber Ajansı (48HA) - 10.08.2023 - Muğla'da toplu taşıma araçları (Minibüs, otobüs) ve taksi ücretlerine zam geldi. Zamlı tarifeler 15 Ağustos tarihinden itibaren geçerli olacak.
Muğla’da Otomobilciler Esnaf Odası Başkanları, asgari ücret, sigorta ve bağ-kur primleri, akaryakıttaki ÖTV artışları, MTV'sinden alınacak verginin yılda iki defa ödenmesi, araç bakım, yedek parça, lastik ücret maliyetlerindeki artışlar, KDV oranındaki artışlar, Tuvtürk istasyonlarındaki araç muayene bakım bedellerindeki artışlar nedeni ile zam talebinde bulunmuştu.
2023 yılı 5. UKOME toplantısını gerçekleştirildi. Toplantıda UKOME kararı ile Muğla'da şehir içi toplu taşıma ücretlerine yüzde 51 zam getirildi.
Belirlenen yeni ücretler, 15 Ağustos 2023 tarihinden itibaren uygulamaya konulacak.
Muğla toplu taşımaya zam, Ağustos 2023 - 48 Haber Ajansı
Muğla'da ulaşıma yüzde 51 zam yapıldı
Muğla'da Ulaşım Koordinasyon Merkezi (UKOME) toplantısı sonrası toplu ulaşım ve taksi ücretlerine zam yapıldı. Yüzde 51 zam ile öğrenci tarifesi 9,90 lira, tam tarife 18,90 olarak belirlendi. Ayrıca 40 TL olan indi-bindi taksi ücreti 100 TL oldu.
2023 yılı 5. UKOME toplantısı gerçekleştirildi. Toplantı sonrası toplu taşıma ve taksi ücretlerine getirilen yeni zamlar ile ilgili bilgi verildi. UKOME kararı ile Muğla'da şehir içi toplu taşıma ücretlerine yüzde 51 zam getirildi.
Yeni toplu taşıma fiyatlarına göre: Elektronik kartlı indirimli öğrenci ücret tarifesi 9.90 TL, Elektronik kartlı sivil ücret tarifesi 18.40 TL, Kampüs Hattı öğrenci ücret tarifesi 6.90 TL olarak belirlendi. Ayrıca 40 TL olan indi-bindi taksi ücreti 100 TL oldu.
Muğla toplu taşımaya zam, Ağustos 2023
MBB'nin açıklaması;
MBB toplu taşıma zam açıklaması
Announced to those who water the garden for hours
Muğla Water and Sewerage Administration (MUSKİ) once again warned about "waste of water". The water levels in the dams decreased drastically.
Those who leave the mains water on and water their gardens for hours, supplement their pools with mains water, and waste tap water unnecessarily have been warned. The occupancy rates in Muğla's dams have decreased, and they continue to decline rapidly.
Water Use In Muğla Has Increased By 25 Percent The Occupancy Rate Of The Dams Has Decreased Significantly. According to the information obtained from the Muğla Metropolitan Municipality General Directorate of MUSKI, the amount of drinking water used this year has increased by 25 percent compared to the previous year. In addition, while there was a very serious decrease in dam occupancy rates, warnings were made about water saving.
According to the information obtained from the General Directorate of Muğla Metropolitan Municipality Water and Sewerage Administration (MUSKİ), there has been a serious increase in the amount of drinking water used in Muğla. While 8 million 484 thousand 667 m3 of water was used throughout the province in the first 7 months of 2022, this figure increased to 10 million 579 thousand 650 thousand cubic meters in the same period of 2023.
Dam Occupancy Rates at the Lowest Level in Recent Years
The dams were adversely affected by the inability to receive sufficient precipitation during the winter months, the decrease in underground water resources and the increase in unconscious water consumption. Based on these periods of the past years, there is a noticeable decrease in dams operating throughout the province. Marmaris Atatürk Dam, which does not fall below the 100 percent occupancy rate, is at 70 percent as of today. Geyik dam, which had an 85% occupancy rate on July 1, 2020, is now 29 percent, and Mumcular dam, which is 40 percent as of July 1, 2020, has 27 percent as of today.
Loss and Leakage Rate Decreased by 18 Percent with the Studies
Muğla Metropolitan Municipality has been continuing serious infrastructure investments throughout the province in order to prevent losses and leakages in drinking water since 2014. In this context, 1 million 602 thousand 101 meters of drinking water line work has been carried out since 2014. With these studies, the use of lost and illegal water was reduced by 18 percent and included in the system again and presented to the citizens. In addition, revision work was carried out in drinking water treatment plants in order to provide additional water and their treatment capacities were increased. In addition, new water sources were found and included in the system, and systems were installed in the treatment plants so that green field irrigation can be done.
Saving Water Is Vital
Emphasizing that the decrease in water resources due to the climate crisis, which is effective throughout the world, has also started in our country, the General Directorate of MUSKI warned the citizens about water saving. In the statement made by MUSKI, “Our water is wasted due to many different reasons, especially car washing, garden irrigation with wild irrigation, broken installations, shower and tooth brushing times more than normal. Every drop has value in this process. Therefore, it is of great importance to minimize water consumption and save money by using every drop carefully. Conscious use of our water resources is a vital issue for future generations. As an institution, we continue to implement the necessary projects in this regard and to make the necessary investments for the recycling of water. We strongly urge our citizens to take the issue of savings more seriously.
Those who waste our water unnecessarily, those who water the garden for hours, the pool with mains water, etc. You can call 444 48 01 numbered 444 48 01 to notify or complain. You can also write to CIMER and report it to the Governorship of Muğla and your district municipality. Experts warn that reporting water waste without hesitation will prevent possible water cuts.